The Lactate Scout Assistant analysis software is only to be used with the Lactate Scout analyzer for data import and sports medical analysis, connected by a special certifi ed cable or Bluetooth adaptor (both manufactured by SensLab GmbH) with a regular Windows-PC (Minimum system requirements: Windows 95b, Pentium 90 MHz, 64 MB free memory capacity, 200 MB free hard disk capacity). To ensure the correct use and to avoid potential mistakes, damages or loss of data, please read the product information and instructions for the Lactate Scout - analyzer, the PC - cable, the PC - system and the installed soft- and hardware components carefully. Lactate Scout Assistant software offers many options for organizing readings, data import and export as well as the graphic display of lactate curves and other values. In addition, further relevant parameters as training conditions, effort level, heart rate and much more can be entered and managed manually.